"If you are still in the process of raising children, be aware that the tiny fingerprints that show up on almost every newly cleaned surface, the toys scattered about the house,
the piles and piles of laundry to be tackled will disappear all too soon
and that you will- to your surprise- miss them profoundly."
It hit me- my baby girl isn't really a baby anymore. Sure she may be in the infant room at daycare (not for long!) and refuses to wear shoes, but this little girl is changing before our eyes. She just learned to dance. Where did she pick that up? Are we dancing around the house without notice? She shakes her head and wiggles her body. You start singing to her and she just follows suit! It may be the cutest darn thing ever and it's still the beginning of the week.
Her top two teeth have come in! Man, talk about tough business. That's a job all on its own. And to think she is gonna lose them and have to do this all again. I'm not going to mention this to her just yet.
Our 9 (and a half) month knows the world already:
I'm pretty sure she knows if she throws food off the tray of the highchair, Polo loves her more.
The more I say "ma-ma", the more she repeats "da-da".
Cheerios solve all the problems of the world.
When you fall on the ground extra hard and everyone cheers, you brush yourself off & keep going.
Being thrown in the air by your dad is a rush like nothing else.
Vegetables taste better with a smidge of butter and parm cheese.
Sometimes being held is all you need to forget your troubles.